Saturday, September 10, 2011

We are Champions: Part 3

Another important fact is: "We Are Champions." Champions can see what can be and embraces the unknown. I can admit that I don't know everything or even some things. If I want something I begin to study and collect information on how to obtain my desire. Being successful in Mary Kay or in any other home based business. There is no need to convince anyone the benefits of earning 50% of everything you sale. Convincing others to see how you work what you know and love. What are you trying to show others? I can say that when the facts are in and the decision is on the table there is only two individuals making the decision to be in Mary Kay. You and God. You have been brought this opportunity for a reason and Mary Kay has entered your life for a reason. That reason could be to inspire you into living your own personal dream. That reason may be to have your skin be the healthiest it has ever been and looking good in the best makeup in the world. That reason may also be the chance for you to make money on the side. Mary Kay can give you a life that is full of wonderful opportunities. If you think you may be interested in an extra thousand dollars in your life you may want to check into this career opportunity. Call the Mary Kay information line my director has set up to give you information about the Mary Kay opportunity. That number is 641-715-3470 Access # 557020 Reference # 8. This is a free call that will give you information that will help you make a decision to become financially free. When you call this number, call me at 816-550-1122 so I can ask you three questions. The challenge that I am giving to you is to call the number and listen to the recording and making a decision to improve your life.

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