Saturday, September 10, 2011

Stacy James Conference Call Part 2

We talked on this conference call for only a little more than an hour and I am writing my second post to cover the entire topic. Is that wonderful or what? This is how much information that is freely given to me and this is why I am passing it along to you. Everyone should feel inspired to live their dream. 4. The fourth reason we do not live our dream is we are Too Busy. Our daily lives can be hectic but this should never interfere with our dream. Dreams are inspiring and give us that juice to move forward in our lives. Our dream is what helps us walk in faith even though we can not see past our current situation. How can we let ourselves be busy for everyday inspiration that allows our souls to sing? We can not allow our dreams to be stolen, even if we are the thief. How do we stop embezzling from ourselves? Well we begin to see the bigger importance in our lives and redefine success. "Success is who you are, not what you do." Begin cultivating the "I can" attitude and your dreams will come back into focus. One analogy that I want to share with you all was given to me by a team member. Our dreams are like going into a grocery store. When we walk up to the door we expect the doors to automatically open so that we can be where we need to be. How else do we buy milk? Living our dream is the same way. Walk in your life expecting the door to open and then you will be living your dream. Does it happen overnight? I don't know. You tell me. You are the master of your own dreams and are the only one in which has the speed control. I have witnessed individuals in Mary Kay start their business and have facial appointments set before their starter kit ever arrives. That is walking in faith. That is living your dream. That is expecting the doors to open and being able to see past the current situation into the dream. What is your dream? I know that I want to be successfully independent and continue helping others. I am an entrepreneur. I am a champion. I am living my dream.

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