Thursday, September 15, 2011

In the Spirit of Givng

     As a Mary Kay consultant it is my duty to give. It is better to give than to receive. I would like to give all my attention to those women who would like to change their lives. I have an open invitation that I would like you to have and that is the Mary Kay opportunity. I know that some may not understand what it is to work in a company made of dreams. I can tell you that I will know in the future more than what I know now. I believe with all my heart that my creator will provide for me the very things that are necessary for me to live my dream. I believe with everything that I am my creator will not abandon me at this new turning point in my life. What is does for me he will in turn do for you. I hope you consider taking the Mary Kay journey with me because it will not be like any other journey you have ever taken before in your life. Goals, dreams, and visions is all it takes to be successful at your own part-time pace. Half of everything you sell is what you keep. That would be a 50% commission and who else offers 50% in a part-time position. What other job allows complete flexibility for you to work when you need to and not have to worry about asking for time off. The idea is all too simple. Sell the product, keep 50% as profit, sell the product, and keep half. That's it. I pray that you will join me in the celebration of dreams.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fall Conference Part 2

I am with a great group of ladies now and look forward to a shinning future in Mary Kay.  I wanted to share my story so that others can see that sometimes we need to overcome fear and not allow fear to get into our way of success. I realize that I have many dreams. I want to follow my vocation of helping others, move to California (beach front of course). I really miss the ocean. I want a life that is exciting and I want to be doing what I love. Honestly that is not a lot.  That is a fraction of blessings. I received an email that contained a great prayer. I had faith and moved it along to others. I also was told to write something down and put it in my Bible. I did that to and the very next day, I had gotten news of what some of my future will look like. I already know that in short miraculous bursts I will have what I need and some of what I want. I want to get back to the journey because that is were I am my happiest.

Fall Conference

     I wanted to get back in touch with all of you. I will be attending the fall conference with my National Sales Director, Stacy James.  I am really excited about making the trip to Oklahoma City, OK. in October. I don't really travel a lot but I am learning to enjoy the blessings.  The conference will focus on helping consultants learn more skills to aid them in their own Mary Kay business. Anyone who joins the Mary Kay force is given their own business number. This means you are in business for yourself, selling Mary Kay products. Many of us have the necessary skills to operate our own business. Most of us don't realize our full skill list until we begin to think outside of the box, being creative. Being creative for some is very easy. It is like breathing. However, for some being creative comes to be a challenge as this is more abstract thinking than following a structured pattern. We all learned to color within the lines in Kindergarten and we all know what it is like to be reminded not to go out of the lines. What we understood in Kindergarten can sometimes get into the way of creative thinking. We are all too scared to jump outside of the lines so we cling to what is familiar and forsake what we can not see.
     My story begins in a time that I was an emotional mess.  I started my Mary Kay  business nearly 18 years ago when I was 27.  I was trying to have a family, make a failing relationship work, work at a place that treated me like a robot, and had very little self esteem. I cared to much over the wrong things and I let others interfere to much with what I had been given. That would be knowing the right thing to do for myself but being too afraid to step out.  Well, in those days, Mary Kay was still on foot and face to face.  I really wasn't very good at sales but I was great with people. I just didn't realize that until much later.  I came into the business with money and could place an Emerald star order.  I got my ladder of success pin with my green emerald in it.  I didn't sell anything and was pressured to buy more than what I could buy in Mary Kay product for my sales director.  That was a horrible place to be in as I felt at the time, I was failing. This was not the Mary Kay way and I was not trained to be successful. So sadly, I quit. I stopped and began to feel really bad about my choices. I had buyers remorse as I did not understand that having product always means you have something of value because you can sell it to another person.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

We are Champions: Part 3

Another important fact is: "We Are Champions." Champions can see what can be and embraces the unknown. I can admit that I don't know everything or even some things. If I want something I begin to study and collect information on how to obtain my desire. Being successful in Mary Kay or in any other home based business. There is no need to convince anyone the benefits of earning 50% of everything you sale. Convincing others to see how you work what you know and love. What are you trying to show others? I can say that when the facts are in and the decision is on the table there is only two individuals making the decision to be in Mary Kay. You and God. You have been brought this opportunity for a reason and Mary Kay has entered your life for a reason. That reason could be to inspire you into living your own personal dream. That reason may be to have your skin be the healthiest it has ever been and looking good in the best makeup in the world. That reason may also be the chance for you to make money on the side. Mary Kay can give you a life that is full of wonderful opportunities. If you think you may be interested in an extra thousand dollars in your life you may want to check into this career opportunity. Call the Mary Kay information line my director has set up to give you information about the Mary Kay opportunity. That number is 641-715-3470 Access # 557020 Reference # 8. This is a free call that will give you information that will help you make a decision to become financially free. When you call this number, call me at 816-550-1122 so I can ask you three questions. The challenge that I am giving to you is to call the number and listen to the recording and making a decision to improve your life.

Stacy James Conference Call Part 2

We talked on this conference call for only a little more than an hour and I am writing my second post to cover the entire topic. Is that wonderful or what? This is how much information that is freely given to me and this is why I am passing it along to you. Everyone should feel inspired to live their dream. 4. The fourth reason we do not live our dream is we are Too Busy. Our daily lives can be hectic but this should never interfere with our dream. Dreams are inspiring and give us that juice to move forward in our lives. Our dream is what helps us walk in faith even though we can not see past our current situation. How can we let ourselves be busy for everyday inspiration that allows our souls to sing? We can not allow our dreams to be stolen, even if we are the thief. How do we stop embezzling from ourselves? Well we begin to see the bigger importance in our lives and redefine success. "Success is who you are, not what you do." Begin cultivating the "I can" attitude and your dreams will come back into focus. One analogy that I want to share with you all was given to me by a team member. Our dreams are like going into a grocery store. When we walk up to the door we expect the doors to automatically open so that we can be where we need to be. How else do we buy milk? Living our dream is the same way. Walk in your life expecting the door to open and then you will be living your dream. Does it happen overnight? I don't know. You tell me. You are the master of your own dreams and are the only one in which has the speed control. I have witnessed individuals in Mary Kay start their business and have facial appointments set before their starter kit ever arrives. That is walking in faith. That is living your dream. That is expecting the doors to open and being able to see past the current situation into the dream. What is your dream? I know that I want to be successfully independent and continue helping others. I am an entrepreneur. I am a champion. I am living my dream.

Stacy James Conference Call

Good Morning Ladies,

I just wanted to share with you the amazing conference call with a very special lady. She has the greatest ability to give out exactly what you need to hear. She does this by walking in faith and believing she has a purpose to enrich and change women's lives. What an amazing concept. She had stated during the call what were the 3 things that cause us to give up on our dreams. Can you imagine that one dream you just felt you had to walk away from. I can remember many dreams that I walked away from because I didn't have the support or the belief I could be that dream. 1. people give up on their dreams because they can't see past their current situation. For many of us I can see their being an idea that doing something new is very scary. I feel fear everyday and I am faced with the same challenge, am I going to walk past my fear to achieve my dream. Some days I do and somedays I fail. I have drawn that line in the sand and I plan on not stopping because of fear. Fear is the enemy that seeps into our lives to steal away what God wanted us to have in the first place. 2. The second reason we do not live our dream is that we are stepping out into uncertainty. It is difficult to see past where we are and then to step into something unknown. Maybe we can't see ourselves stepping into a role that we admire in others. That is where many of our dreams are stolen away from us is due to thinking we don't have what it takes to live that dream. Of course we do. We would not have the dream in our hearts if God didn't intend for us to live that dream. He wouldn't put something in front of us to take it away. We have a creator that loves us and wants the very best for us. Even for those of us that believe in a different face of power, that power still wants what is best for us. We ourselves want what is best for ourselves deep in our deepest thoughts. 3. The third reason we are not living our dream is that it looks different than the Norm. Yes we stop short of living our dreams because we are looking different. Yes we are looking different and we should be proud of that change in our lives. We can not always blend into the background and also believe we can achieve. Achievements are accomplished by not blending with the perceived normal of our world. God has made his women very strong and we should live within that strength everyday. We may look different but that is so others will pay attention. Another idea is that we do not see what we thought we would see in ourselves. God has a much bigger picture for us than we can see. His life for us will be profound and remarkable.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Star Consultant

I am excited to announce that I will become a Star Consultant. I have worked very hard and have invested in myself. I believe that I am making a difference in women's lives. I have seen this difference and want to continue with building those loving friendships. I want everyone to know that being a Mary Kay beauty consultant is not selling makeup but rather building life long friendships. The energy that I receive from being with my team gives me the courage to step into my greatness. The message today is that every women can do the very thing she needs to do. Mary Kay Ash wanted to build a dream business and she has. I know I live it everyday and want to share my success with you.