Thursday, January 22, 2015

Overcoming Obstacles

Hello everyone,
I am very glad to be posting again as I look forward everyday to blog something helpful.
Thank you to all of my page viewers. Also, please Like my page and post your thoughts and feelings as I do so want to hear from the many You's out  there.

     Today's topic is on overcoming obstacles.  In my everyday life, I find that I am using some problem solving technique. I find it interesting that sometimes the only way to overcome is to continue to be determined.  Today, I found myself face to face with a potential client. What I didn't have was my contact information.  So I went back to my office and took some plain old note cards and created my own business cards. What I found is that  I could actually put down more information on the index cards. I thought this was a good fix to a temporary problem of not having on hand my contact information. I also discovered again that a co-worker is getting married. So I  personalized my note cards by putting on the exact information that was needed for each client. Tomorrow, I will hand out my note cards and schedule appointments. I have completed at least one task today that will secure my future in my Mary Kay business. I will let all of you know over the weekend what my results have been, so that my experiences may help others simplify overcoming obstacles.
    Just when I thought this would be a defining factor in my life, I got onto my FB page and there was a human being having a huge crisis. She was having a hopeless moment and wanted to return to old, destructive behaviors. Another friend was there to give out freely, information that I pray will help that person overcome her own personal obstacles.
    There are so many people that are in some kind of pain. Maybe personal, mental, physical or spiritual. I think that if those individuals are willing, than I may be able to change a person attitude and somehow make their day. There are so many things that we can do to help ourselves and others move past the painful experiences in our lives, so that we can truly experience peace, serenity, and come to an understanding of the life lessons that can burden our hearts. I feel that giving is better than receiving and I also believe that I can help others if they allow me to do so.  I am grateful to be reminded that the road to success is learned more from mistakes than by getting "it" right all of the time.
     There are several things that I know I can do to help others, which in turn helps me to remove fear from our hearts. Prayer, be giving, listening to others, giving suggestions, giving complements, and offering them  a little something to cheer the heavy-hearted.  Don't be afraid to ask the hard questions of yourself and of others around you. It may save someone's life by  showing you care enough to at least ask.
   Lesson for today, be prepared as much as possible and problem solve effectively, so you can get back to being prepared.

Blessings to all,

Dawn Stark, BA, MBA, CRADC and a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Product Sale

My Inventory clearance is still going on!!! Look at my blogs for information and text me with  your orders so I can make sure you get the best deal possible.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!!



The Mary Kay Party

Hello everyone,
I am glad to be posting again and my hope is that everyone out there will like my blog, leave their thoughts and comments on my blog posts.

    So what is it about Mary Kay Parties?  Why does the (MKC), Mary Kay Consultant ask me to set up a free facial and then ask me to invite friends?  That's easy!!! Who wants to party alone?  I don't, especially if I am experiencing something new for the first time. At least I have my friends with me who, hopefully, will give me an honest opinion about the products that we are all putting on our faces. Another good reason to have your friends with you is for the excitement!! Product parties can be fun if that is how they are set up to be.  There shouldn't be any high sales pitch with clients walking out the door with buyer's remorse.  To be honest, I have never seen any man, woman, or teen walk out from a free facial with heads drooped and feeling like they Had to buy something.  My experience has been, that I couldn't  keep my clients from the product if I tried. Inside Secret..That's because the product works!!
    The Mary Kay Party  serves several purposes:
   1. Try before you buy
   2. Meet new people or connect with friends that you haven't seen for a long time
   4. Learn about the products you are putting on your face
   5. Learn about the Mary Kay Opportunity through the experiences of the MKC

   The greatest compliment that any of my clients can give me is to share their experiences with their friends, family and co-workers!!! I know I am doing a good job if I hear, "I want to host a party so my friends can experience what I have experienced today.  With that I get very excited!! Not because I  have more contacts or potential clients. Rather, I get to meet people, like you, who would enjoy a free facial, earning free product, or just having a great time!!  I get to meet people that may become my friends or friendly acquaintances regardless of who buys what or not buy at all.
    In my previous post, I talked a lot about being a caring person who loves other people. I do care about others as I would care for my own family.  I refuse to treat others as an opportunity to make money.  If I didn't care about serious issues, others feelings, and where they are in their lives; I would have never become a substance abuse counselor!  I work from a high ethical standard and I live by the Golden Rule; "Treat others how you wish to be treated".  I also take it a step further, I treat your friends and family how I would want another to treat my own Mother! Another standard that I live by is to, "do no harm".  This is something that I have to incorporate into my counseling because I work with people everyday that are in crisis, feeling hopeless, feeling useless, and hurt from traumatic experiences that have happened to them. I see others potential of what they can over come and become walking on a better path, making better decisions.  I'm not going to let a teen continue to use drugs and destroy their lives and the lives of their families. I'm going to introduce Education to them. The same is true with being a MKC.  If I see you have skin issues than I want to talk with you because I may have a better way.  I give suggestions not advice.  Every person has to decide for themselves if the Mary Kay product works for them or even if they want it.  It has been my experience, that if they try the product, they will see the value and want to continue using the product.  There is no magic formula to talk anyone into anything!! My belief is this; you either care about what happens to others and how they feel or you might as well go be a used car salesperson. The way I feel about it is that I am going to continue to care and offer others a great product regardless because that is who I am at Heart. A caring friend! And if that makes me the most unsuccessful salesperson, than so be it!!  At least I know who I am at the end of the day.
     To sum it up, Mary Kay Parties are available to everyone as a tool to try new products, make friends, and have fun learning about the many Mary Kay products. So the next time a MKC  asks if you want a free facial or host a party,You should say yes!! Otherwise, you are missing out on learning something new and having fun doing it!!
    Have a great day, week, and weekend!!


Dawn Stark, BA, MBA, CRADC  and a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Is Mary Kay Right for You?

      For all of you that follow my blog, I am super excited about sharing what I  have learned so far in my Mary Kay business!!

     First of all, I want to thank each and every one of you for reading my posts and following along, being a silent partner, sharing in my adventure. All of you are super Awesome and my hopes are you all will start sharing your thoughts on my topics.

     I wanted to talk about Me like You being on the other side of the table, so to speak. When I was growing up there wasn't anything out there for teens who had trouble with acne. I had to do my own research on finding all kinds of different products that would clear up my skin. I remember those days of being embarrassed and feeling as if the only thing anyone ever saw was my broken out face. When I was in my 20's, I was introduced to Mary Kay product. And I Loved It!! I loved Mary Kay because for once I had a complete skin care system that worked, that I could afford and I didn't have to keep buying products that didn't work.  I don't know how much money I have actually spent on cleansers, moisturizers, eye make-up and mascara.  All of these products  promised a huge difference in my skin and Guess What? The product didn't live up to it's hype.  I have little eyelashes and now that I have a thyroid condition....Well you guessed it, my eyelashes are now thinner. I tried all the top brand names for mascara and they left me looking like a hooker on vine street somewhere in downtown what the heck did I just buy.  Mascara, make-up, and skin care products were not cheap then and they certainly haven't gone down in price.  All of these failures just ended up sitting in a make-up bag for life and then I would have to throw them out. And as I did, I thought about the money vs results. Every product that I have tried with Mary Kay has done exactly as it was formulated to do and that is too give everyone, including Men, a great complexion and a complete make-up Make-over! So I know what it is like to not trust in a product or even people who sell products. I didn't want to hear the spiel, or feel pressured into buying something that I didn't know very much about. I also was not the type of person who looked for product parties to go to.  I did  go to several parties that my friends where hosting and each product was cool and of course I wanted the whole set. However, most of the time I couldn't afford more than a tea light candle, a spatula, or a small bowel of Tupperware.  You either had to pay full price right then and there or you where not walking  out with  the super cool product that you wanted. Or worse, you had to buy the whole set to get the only thing you wanted.  My experience with Mary Kay is that I got personal care and  attention. If I needed to make payment arrangements, then my personal Mary Kay Consultant would put together products that I could use and others that I could wait for once I got my paycheck.  What a concept!!! I didn't have anyone pressuring me to buy Mary Kay. I already tried it with a free facial and felt the difference  and to be honest saw the difference. I had fun, I giggled and laughed with my friends and even met new friends. I got to play around with make-up again, like we all have done at slumber parties.  I got to relive awesome moments with my friends. I still smile when I think about my first facial as a guest and the first facials I gave to my friends as a MKC.
    Now about the other side of the table!  You!!. I was like all of  the You's out there and was thinking that I had to say no or I would spend a fortune. When I finally went to another facial,  I was surprised at the changes in the Mary Kay Product  line.  Makeup was different, skin cleansers were  different...Yeah  that right...I lost contact with my (MKC), Mary Kay Consultant. I tried the new cleansers, moisturizers, and make-up. I spent maybe three hours over two days about two weeks apart from each session. No big deal!  Actually, my new MKC had to throw me and my daughter out of the Studio.  I was amazed at the difference in my skin, (for whole new reasons) and the mineral makeup was divine!! I didn't think minerals would cover up the red tones in my skin and boy was I wrong!!  I have talked with other women  about their mineral products and we all agree Mary Kay product or not don't try and take away our minerals!!! Because they work. And what I found is that Mary Kay mineral makeup is ground finner than the top brands out there, which means the mineral makeup gives a smoother, matte look every time you use them.  I used to envy the women sitting in the Mall makeup section getting attention. Hilarious enough  though, they would only do one side of your face in makeup. What a joke!! Mary Kay is not going to invite you in to send you out looking half done.
     In my 20's, I launch my first try at selling Mary Kay products. I struggled as I had a grander vision than what Mary Kay could support at the time. I ended up quitting. Than I met my new MKC and thought I would try it again.  I did better than before but was still struggling  with talking with people, wanting to be myself. I have now launched my Mary Kay business a third time. I have learned more in my failures than in school  or at any other job.  When you decided to become self-employed, there is a lot to learn if you have never done it before!!  Today I am jazzed about my decision to try it again and have made some bolder choices than before. I am pushing myself outside of my comfort zone  and realizing that  my  business is taking off outside of my head.  I just had to get out of my own way by Believing in Myself!!  So I am very sincere if I text you, call you, or Facebook you saying that it would really help me out if....That is not a line. For me, in what I do, it is a true statement.  I also have others interests at heart.  I just want every one I meet or know to try new stuff because I know it is an Awesome product that does not disappoint and I can help others who have skin care  issues.  I am a substance abuse counselor and I love my career.  I also love selling Mary Kay and getting in  new inventory. For me it is like Christmas when the package arrives every  two  months or so.  And apparently the feeling is the same with my daughter as I run down the hall to my bedroom to keep her out of  the box.  No Joke!! Things get hopping around my house when my MK product arrives.
     So, bottom line, I hope I have eased all of you up a bit in not letting the Mary Kay product slip by you without at least giving it a try.  I hope that I have shared enough for you to understand that MKC's are not crazy, stalkers but women who want to give away something free.  I get baffled when I hear no I don't want a Free Facial!! Really? I scratch my head and walk off wondering what part of free did she miss. I will never be a high pressure sales person. I don't like people who would tell me anything to buy.  I am myself, a helper, a friend, and I sincerely care about others.  This is what I believe is true sisterhood.  When I make my red jacket and beyond, I will train my teammates well, so that they can go out and give away as much Mary Kay product and opportunity as possible.
     God Bless to everyone out there and may all of us keep walking on a pink cloud or any cloud that supports our dreams!!

Dawn Stark, BA, MBA, CRADC and Mary Kay Beauty Consultant

Monday, January 19, 2015

Mary Kay Products List Update

 Here are the update of products that have been sold.

Timewise Combo-Oily Skin Bundle (1) Sold

Teal Gel Eye Liner Sold

Ultimate Mascara Sold

Lip Balm Bundle  Sold

While Supplies Last!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Mary Kay Product Sale 2014

50% Off                                             All Eye Shadows are Mineral Based Except for Cream Shadow
Eye Shadow
Pick the Perfect Match with the Eye shadow Trio Bundle

Blue Eyes Bundle $10.00
Green Eyes Bundle $10.00
Hazel Eyes Bundle $10.00

Filigree + cheek $5.00              This product is both eye shadow and cheek color

Moonstone $3.00
Expresso $3.00
Hazelnut $3.00
Polished Stone        $3.00
Truffle (2)         $3.00
Golden Vanilla $3.00
Crystalline $3.00
Peacock Blue $3.00
Iris                $3.00
Garden Sky Triad $6.00

Cream Eye Shadow
Metallic Taupe (2) $2.50              
Coastal Blue         $2.50
Meadow Grass $2.50
Violet Storm        $2.50

75% Off
Lip Sticks Comes with an applicator brush
Latte Lip Lacquer $5.00
Latte Lip Lacquer $5.00
Rose Lip Lacquer $5.00

Clearance : Cleansers & Moisturizers

Timewise Combo-Oily Skin Bundle (1) $10.00  Cleanser & Moisturizer for Combo/Oily Skin
Age Fighting Moisturizer (2) $5.00
Time Wise Microdermabrasion set $15.00   This is like getting a Facial Spa Treatment
Night Restore & recover complex $10.00    Restore you skin while you sleep!!
Timewise Even Complextion Essence & Mask (2) $25.00   Removes Dark Spots on your face
Timewise Even Complextion Dark Spot Reducer roll on (1) $10.00 Target Dark Spots
Timewise firming eye cream $10.00    Reduces Fine Lines around your eyes!!!
Timewise Day solution SPF 25 & Night Solution Gel Treatment  (3) $20.00  Use these products after cleansing and moisturizing. The Day solution protects your skin from harmful rays and use the Night Solution to firm up your face Every  Night!!!
Timewise Day solution SPF 25 (1) $10.00
Satin Lips Set (Mask & Balm) $10.00   Give your lips the treatment they deserve!!!  Your lips will be satiny smooth!!!
Vanilla Berry Hand Cream 3 Fl z. (2) $5.00
Relaxing Foot Soak $5.00
Satin Hands-Hand Cream (1) $5.00
Mint Bliss Foot Lotion (2) $5.00
Botonical Effects-Hydrate moisturizer (1) $5.00
Botonical Effects-Mask (2) $7.50

75% Off
Eye Liner
Teal Gel Eye Liner $5.00  Comes with applicator
Deep Brown (2) $3.00   Eye Liner Pencils
Black $3.00                   Eye Liner Pencils

Lip Liner
Caramel (3) $1.50
Lip Gloss
Cream & Sugar $3.00
Au Natural $3.00

Lip Gloss Bundle, Vanilla, Berry, & Mint $7.50

Liquid Lip Color
Royal Plum $3.00

Cream Lipsticks

Give Hope-Brick (3) $3.00
Lip Suede Pink Rose (2) $4.50
Fuchsia $3.00
Copper Star $3.00
Rich Fig $3.00
Icy Peach $3.00

75% Off
Lash Love (6) $5.00

50% Off
Sunny Spice $6.00   Matte finish
Citrus Bloom $6.00    Matte finish
Sparkling Cider Shimmer $6.00     Shimmer Blush has a luster to the mineral.
Dark Cherry $6.00    Matte finish
Strawberry Cream Shimmer $6.00

75% Off
Compacts     Mary Kay Compacts have a magnetic surface to hold in your eye shadows and bushes. Our Large compacts hold up to 3 eye shadows, 1 blush, and 2 highlighting palates. 

Mini  $6.00  Comes with eye shadow and blush brush that fits into the compact.
Large $10.00
Large $10.00
Mini MK Anniversary $7.50

Acne Treatment-cream  (2) $5.00
Eye Lash Curler $1.50
Make Up Finishing Spray $9.50   Sets make-up in minutes, giving a lasting look all day long!!
MK Men Face Bar $5.00
Complete Foot Care $10.00
Mini night restore & recover complex (2) $10.00

Nail Lacquer

Blue Lotus $2.00
Pink Bamboo $2.00

If you are interested in any of these products, please text me at 816-550-1122!!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Mary Kay Career Conference 2013

March 22-23, 2013 in Omaha, Nebraska was the Mary Kay Career Conference. One of the most exciting parts of being a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant is the ability to attend Career Conference. I am exited and rejuvenated from attending this awesome event. Career conference is something that I rarely miss the chance to attend because I always get great and wonderful messages that enable me to be stronger in my business. The absolute cool thing about career conference is that I gain an invaluable education from the top gals that have built their businesses and share their success stories.  Even though most of the information was exactly what  I already knew, I heard many messages differently this year. I do believe that we are all presented with opportunities and some of those messages do not get through and can change meaning later in our lives when we need those messages the most. I have numbered the top 5 messages that I believe anyone can use to be more successful in their lives.
1. Goal Setting:  goal setting should be smart goals. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timed. What does all of this mean?  Well your goals should be easily explained and understood. Goals should be measurable. When making a goal add all of the measurable, tangible, and time  that describes your action in the goal. An example, I will attend Seminar this year. How will I do this?  I will need to have at least three other women who want to become MK consultants and start their own business. I will then need to lead my team to success by offering the MK experience and booking facials/parties. I will need to make X amount of money to also reach this goal. So being measurable is all the numeric details to your goal. When, How, Where,  and What are all answered. Next my goal should be attainable. I should have a realistic time frame in which to obtain my goal. Finally, my goals should have a deadline. Most of us will not work on today’s goals when we lose site of our final outcome. Obtaining those goals which stem from our desires and dreams. To complete  goals one should give a deadline because then we have set a goal  that we will continue to strive for until we complete our goal.
2.  Keep a success journal. This is a journal that you  have  written simple goals that you want to accomplish and listing all of the positive completions for that day. This builds trust within yourself. When anyone sets a goal, writes it down in detail, keeping there eye on the end result (dreams and visions) will come true and that is note worthy. What you have done each day  is important and  worthy of the time it takes to write  down your everyday successes.
3. The perfect moment is now!! Understand that there is never going to be the “right” moment or the “perfect” moment to wait to start achieving your dreams.   Dreams do come true  if you are willing to put forth the work it takes to make that dream a reality. One thing that tears our dreams down are the times we procrastinate. We are letting opportunities slip by us because we are stuck in thinking and not acting on our dreams. Dreams should be a priority and not just fanciful thinking to be later discarded. Why? Because dreams are what is connected to our hearts. We are in the state of joy when we live out our dreams. So how do we stop  putting things off?  Well, take out a piece of paper and answer three simple questions: 1. Where are you?  2.  What do you want to do?  3.  How will you feel while doing what you want to do?  If we are living in the joy that God wants us to be in then we can answer all three questions and know that our joy is coming from our hearts.  We are accomplishing something important and that is just worth writing about and shouting about from the highest mountain.
4. Become members of Never Miss a Thing Club. This means you are out and about traveling, eating, experiencing the world around you, and giving back to everyone you see. Never miss an opportunity to give money to charity, to serve your community through volunteering your services, and don’t stop giving of yourself to receive yourself. When we give a few pennies to the Ronald McDonald house we are saying to the universe that we are living in abundance. Once we take on the idea we always have what we need when we need it money becomes easy to let go and let God. We should always work from our hearts and give to those who need it the most. When I gave a few pennies away, God gave me over $20 of free Route 44’s from Sonic through the drink survey. God wants to give us all of our dreams but our hands need to be empty  to receive his gifts.
5. Wait for No One!!!  I can not stress this enough. Your time is worth something and others are not always on the same page we are. So you can’t let someone else dictate to you when your dreams come true. Others may be working on their own selves so let them. If someone does not come through with a promise do not get angry. Instead offer them patients, kindness, and the distance they require. However, you must move on to obtain your goals and allow your planted seeds to grow for you in the future.
So this is just some of  the great information that in my mind was already rolling around. For some reason these words, I heard differently and I am grateful to have heard the message that God intended for me to hear and ultimately share with all of you.  I leave you with a single thought; may all your dreams come true and may you always live in the joy of God’s grace. Blessings to all my fans and friends.