Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Is Mary Kay Right for You?

      For all of you that follow my blog, I am super excited about sharing what I  have learned so far in my Mary Kay business!!

     First of all, I want to thank each and every one of you for reading my posts and following along, being a silent partner, sharing in my adventure. All of you are super Awesome and my hopes are you all will start sharing your thoughts on my topics.

     I wanted to talk about Me like You being on the other side of the table, so to speak. When I was growing up there wasn't anything out there for teens who had trouble with acne. I had to do my own research on finding all kinds of different products that would clear up my skin. I remember those days of being embarrassed and feeling as if the only thing anyone ever saw was my broken out face. When I was in my 20's, I was introduced to Mary Kay product. And I Loved It!! I loved Mary Kay because for once I had a complete skin care system that worked, that I could afford and I didn't have to keep buying products that didn't work.  I don't know how much money I have actually spent on cleansers, moisturizers, eye make-up and mascara.  All of these products  promised a huge difference in my skin and Guess What? The product didn't live up to it's hype.  I have little eyelashes and now that I have a thyroid condition....Well you guessed it, my eyelashes are now thinner. I tried all the top brand names for mascara and they left me looking like a hooker on vine street somewhere in downtown what the heck did I just buy.  Mascara, make-up, and skin care products were not cheap then and they certainly haven't gone down in price.  All of these failures just ended up sitting in a make-up bag for life and then I would have to throw them out. And as I did, I thought about the money vs results. Every product that I have tried with Mary Kay has done exactly as it was formulated to do and that is too give everyone, including Men, a great complexion and a complete make-up Make-over! So I know what it is like to not trust in a product or even people who sell products. I didn't want to hear the spiel, or feel pressured into buying something that I didn't know very much about. I also was not the type of person who looked for product parties to go to.  I did  go to several parties that my friends where hosting and each product was cool and of course I wanted the whole set. However, most of the time I couldn't afford more than a tea light candle, a spatula, or a small bowel of Tupperware.  You either had to pay full price right then and there or you where not walking  out with  the super cool product that you wanted. Or worse, you had to buy the whole set to get the only thing you wanted.  My experience with Mary Kay is that I got personal care and  attention. If I needed to make payment arrangements, then my personal Mary Kay Consultant would put together products that I could use and others that I could wait for once I got my paycheck.  What a concept!!! I didn't have anyone pressuring me to buy Mary Kay. I already tried it with a free facial and felt the difference  and to be honest saw the difference. I had fun, I giggled and laughed with my friends and even met new friends. I got to play around with make-up again, like we all have done at slumber parties.  I got to relive awesome moments with my friends. I still smile when I think about my first facial as a guest and the first facials I gave to my friends as a MKC.
    Now about the other side of the table!  You!!. I was like all of  the You's out there and was thinking that I had to say no or I would spend a fortune. When I finally went to another facial,  I was surprised at the changes in the Mary Kay Product  line.  Makeup was different, skin cleansers were  different...Yeah  that right...I lost contact with my (MKC), Mary Kay Consultant. I tried the new cleansers, moisturizers, and make-up. I spent maybe three hours over two days about two weeks apart from each session. No big deal!  Actually, my new MKC had to throw me and my daughter out of the Studio.  I was amazed at the difference in my skin, (for whole new reasons) and the mineral makeup was divine!! I didn't think minerals would cover up the red tones in my skin and boy was I wrong!!  I have talked with other women  about their mineral products and we all agree Mary Kay product or not don't try and take away our minerals!!! Because they work. And what I found is that Mary Kay mineral makeup is ground finner than the top brands out there, which means the mineral makeup gives a smoother, matte look every time you use them.  I used to envy the women sitting in the Mall makeup section getting attention. Hilarious enough  though, they would only do one side of your face in makeup. What a joke!! Mary Kay is not going to invite you in to send you out looking half done.
     In my 20's, I launch my first try at selling Mary Kay products. I struggled as I had a grander vision than what Mary Kay could support at the time. I ended up quitting. Than I met my new MKC and thought I would try it again.  I did better than before but was still struggling  with talking with people, wanting to be myself. I have now launched my Mary Kay business a third time. I have learned more in my failures than in school  or at any other job.  When you decided to become self-employed, there is a lot to learn if you have never done it before!!  Today I am jazzed about my decision to try it again and have made some bolder choices than before. I am pushing myself outside of my comfort zone  and realizing that  my  business is taking off outside of my head.  I just had to get out of my own way by Believing in Myself!!  So I am very sincere if I text you, call you, or Facebook you saying that it would really help me out if....That is not a line. For me, in what I do, it is a true statement.  I also have others interests at heart.  I just want every one I meet or know to try new stuff because I know it is an Awesome product that does not disappoint and I can help others who have skin care  issues.  I am a substance abuse counselor and I love my career.  I also love selling Mary Kay and getting in  new inventory. For me it is like Christmas when the package arrives every  two  months or so.  And apparently the feeling is the same with my daughter as I run down the hall to my bedroom to keep her out of  the box.  No Joke!! Things get hopping around my house when my MK product arrives.
     So, bottom line, I hope I have eased all of you up a bit in not letting the Mary Kay product slip by you without at least giving it a try.  I hope that I have shared enough for you to understand that MKC's are not crazy, stalkers but women who want to give away something free.  I get baffled when I hear no I don't want a Free Facial!! Really? I scratch my head and walk off wondering what part of free did she miss. I will never be a high pressure sales person. I don't like people who would tell me anything to buy.  I am myself, a helper, a friend, and I sincerely care about others.  This is what I believe is true sisterhood.  When I make my red jacket and beyond, I will train my teammates well, so that they can go out and give away as much Mary Kay product and opportunity as possible.
     God Bless to everyone out there and may all of us keep walking on a pink cloud or any cloud that supports our dreams!!

Dawn Stark, BA, MBA, CRADC and Mary Kay Beauty Consultant

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