Monday, March 25, 2013

Mary Kay Career Conference 2013

March 22-23, 2013 in Omaha, Nebraska was the Mary Kay Career Conference. One of the most exciting parts of being a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant is the ability to attend Career Conference. I am exited and rejuvenated from attending this awesome event. Career conference is something that I rarely miss the chance to attend because I always get great and wonderful messages that enable me to be stronger in my business. The absolute cool thing about career conference is that I gain an invaluable education from the top gals that have built their businesses and share their success stories.  Even though most of the information was exactly what  I already knew, I heard many messages differently this year. I do believe that we are all presented with opportunities and some of those messages do not get through and can change meaning later in our lives when we need those messages the most. I have numbered the top 5 messages that I believe anyone can use to be more successful in their lives.
1. Goal Setting:  goal setting should be smart goals. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timed. What does all of this mean?  Well your goals should be easily explained and understood. Goals should be measurable. When making a goal add all of the measurable, tangible, and time  that describes your action in the goal. An example, I will attend Seminar this year. How will I do this?  I will need to have at least three other women who want to become MK consultants and start their own business. I will then need to lead my team to success by offering the MK experience and booking facials/parties. I will need to make X amount of money to also reach this goal. So being measurable is all the numeric details to your goal. When, How, Where,  and What are all answered. Next my goal should be attainable. I should have a realistic time frame in which to obtain my goal. Finally, my goals should have a deadline. Most of us will not work on today’s goals when we lose site of our final outcome. Obtaining those goals which stem from our desires and dreams. To complete  goals one should give a deadline because then we have set a goal  that we will continue to strive for until we complete our goal.
2.  Keep a success journal. This is a journal that you  have  written simple goals that you want to accomplish and listing all of the positive completions for that day. This builds trust within yourself. When anyone sets a goal, writes it down in detail, keeping there eye on the end result (dreams and visions) will come true and that is note worthy. What you have done each day  is important and  worthy of the time it takes to write  down your everyday successes.
3. The perfect moment is now!! Understand that there is never going to be the “right” moment or the “perfect” moment to wait to start achieving your dreams.   Dreams do come true  if you are willing to put forth the work it takes to make that dream a reality. One thing that tears our dreams down are the times we procrastinate. We are letting opportunities slip by us because we are stuck in thinking and not acting on our dreams. Dreams should be a priority and not just fanciful thinking to be later discarded. Why? Because dreams are what is connected to our hearts. We are in the state of joy when we live out our dreams. So how do we stop  putting things off?  Well, take out a piece of paper and answer three simple questions: 1. Where are you?  2.  What do you want to do?  3.  How will you feel while doing what you want to do?  If we are living in the joy that God wants us to be in then we can answer all three questions and know that our joy is coming from our hearts.  We are accomplishing something important and that is just worth writing about and shouting about from the highest mountain.
4. Become members of Never Miss a Thing Club. This means you are out and about traveling, eating, experiencing the world around you, and giving back to everyone you see. Never miss an opportunity to give money to charity, to serve your community through volunteering your services, and don’t stop giving of yourself to receive yourself. When we give a few pennies to the Ronald McDonald house we are saying to the universe that we are living in abundance. Once we take on the idea we always have what we need when we need it money becomes easy to let go and let God. We should always work from our hearts and give to those who need it the most. When I gave a few pennies away, God gave me over $20 of free Route 44’s from Sonic through the drink survey. God wants to give us all of our dreams but our hands need to be empty  to receive his gifts.
5. Wait for No One!!!  I can not stress this enough. Your time is worth something and others are not always on the same page we are. So you can’t let someone else dictate to you when your dreams come true. Others may be working on their own selves so let them. If someone does not come through with a promise do not get angry. Instead offer them patients, kindness, and the distance they require. However, you must move on to obtain your goals and allow your planted seeds to grow for you in the future.
So this is just some of  the great information that in my mind was already rolling around. For some reason these words, I heard differently and I am grateful to have heard the message that God intended for me to hear and ultimately share with all of you.  I leave you with a single thought; may all your dreams come true and may you always live in the joy of God’s grace. Blessings to all my fans and friends.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Red Jacket

Mary Kay rewards independent beauty consultants for all  the  go-give spirit that is shown to the world, one woman at a time. One reward is called earning your Red Jacket. This is such a big deal and a true accomplishment. Basically, when a consultant brings along at least 3 colleagues that wish to also become Mary Kay beauty consultants than you become a Red Jacket. View the picture below.

My vision is to find colleagues that wish to start their own businesses in Mary Kay and begin building my team. Why is this important to me? Well, I would love to have a working team of my choice to work with in the Mary Kay business.  Right now,  if you are working outside of the home, you probably have experienced that one person who you work with that you might not if you had a choice. Maybe you would choose to build your own team, already knowing who would help you accomplish your goals and visa-versa. This is only one benefit of selecting Mary Kay as the dream business to start. Becoming a Red Jacket is only one of many rewards that the Mary Kay  business can offer. Mary Kay believes that every woman can have all of her  dreams come true. After many years of working in Corporate America, Mary Kay decided to build her dream  company where every woman can be the boss, work at home, be a mother, a wife, and a business woman without sacrificing anything. One woman can if  she is determined to not be shackled to mediocrity. Being in the Mary Kay family is like living in a pink bubble of delicious fun, being rewarded for goals accomplished, and ongoing support. I can not think of a time that I would do anything else but sell Mary Kay products, educate women on skin care, and make new friends every day. If you are wondering if you are the one to join my team, go to my website, and take the quiz. I believe what when envision we can achieve. I believe that one woman can and I believe that woman is you!! Come join my team today and begin your own personal Mary Kay journey.

Friday, March 1, 2013

I want to let everyone know that I have my Mary Kay website back up and running. Yeah!! Everyone that is wanting to receive a free look book and notifications can go to my website at create a free personal account. You can add all of your contact information and personal skin care needs. You can also upload a pic of yourself!!! I can then add you to my Preferred Customer List and you will receive free Look Books that will come with free samples. I know this is exciting to all of my customers that are wanting to try different Mary Kay products. I get requests all of the time for samples. This is a perfect way to get those free samples!!! All of your information is kept private and is never shared!!!! I know even more exciting. Sign up starting today thru the end of March and I will send you any $30 product/products of Your choice absolutely free. Share me with 3 of your friends and receive $50 off of any products you desire. Simply send me an email at with your 3 names so I know you referred those individuals. I want to make sure you get all of these rewards!! I am looking forward to giving away as much product as possible because all of my customers are worth their weight in Gold!!! I love you guys and am looking forward to serving you because you are all worth so much more than I can ever express to each of you. But that doesn't mean I wont stop trying!!!! Also, a special note to all of my friends that live out of the Kansas City area, you can also participate in the Mary Kay giveaway because I send everything in the mail absolutely free to you!!! That's right!!! All of my customers that wish to have their product shipped...Shipping is absolutely free in state or out of state!!! Everyone that has already had a free facial and I already have your information, you can still participate by setting up a free account, have 3 friends set up their free accounts and receive $80 dollars of free product to you or $80 off of any skin care system or whatever your little hearts desire. God Bless!!!